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أبو ظبي (تنطق محليًّا بوظبي) هي عاصمة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وعاصمة إمارة أبو ظبي. تقع المدينة على جزيرة أبو ظبي، وتمتد إلى اليابسة والجزر المحيطة. وفيها رئاسة الدولة ورئاسة مجلس الوزراء والسفارات المعتمدة لدى دولة الإمارات. كما أنها مقر لحاكم أبو ظبي ولولي عهده ورئيس المجلس التنفيذي
Rabia VillasBloom LivingJoud VillasReem HillsYas Park GateBudoor VillasShadenBadyaShams Gate DistrictAl RehhanMina RoadZone 3MAKERS DISTRICTBaniyas NorthAl Yasat CompoundAl Ghadeer Phase 2Zone 35Al Jurf GardensMangrove OneNudraSaadiyat Beach VillasAl Bateen ParkLeaThe CedarsContemporary StyleDesert StyleNalaya VillaZone 18Saadiyat ReserveZone 3Faya at Bloom GardensKhor Al MaqtaZone 29Qasr El BahrAl Fahid IslandZone 23Al SaderAl MafraqAl MirfaDalma IslandKIZAD (Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi)Zone 6NBB Workers CityAl Ras Al AkhdarArabian StyleMediterranean StyleZone 30Madinat Al Riyadh (Al Riyadh City)Al RuwaisNew Al FalahAl MarkazNew ShahamaSaadiyat LagoonsAl ShaleelaAl Mafraq Industrial AreaZone 26Al NahdaZone 34Al Qurm StreetAl MatarAl MasoudiZone 15Al JurfMubarak Bin Mohammed StreetAl ManhalZone 32Old ShahamaAl QubaisatAl Firdous StreetZone 4Al TibbiyaAl SeefAl KhubeirahMamsha Al SaadiyatAl WathbaAl Bateen ComplexAl ReemanAl MuntazahIndustrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD)Zone 31Zone 27Al Istiqlal StreetZayed City (Khalifa City C)Nareel IslandAl DanahAl RahbaAl DhafrahAl ShahamaGhantootNurai IslandAl HosnAl Falah CityAl RawdahAl Shamkha SouthKamal Jamal MusalZone 17Hills Abu DhabiZone 21Liwa VillageLiwa Oasis CompoundZone 5Water’s EdgeAl Khubaira VillageZone 22Mazyad MallZone 24Fairmont VillasKhuzamaLailakAl Dhafrah 1Khannour CommunityZone 6Khalifa Bin Shakhbout StreetComplex 16Al Raha Beach HotelMushrif VillasLehweihAl MarasyUrban Oasis CompoundZone 33MuzeraAl Qurm CompoundBaniyas EastJouriEastern Mangroves ComplexZone 25Zone 16Zone 5Al Dhafra StreetBawabat Al SharqAl MariahWater VillasBeachfront ResidencesSaadiyat Cultural DistrictNarjisZone 12Seashore VillasZone 1Zone 8Golf GardensJawaher SaadiyatDelma StreetZone 13Al Bateen WharfAl Saada StreetCity Of LightsAl Reef DowntownAl Maqta VillageKhalidiyah StreetAl WardKhalidiya VillageZone 19Marina Sunset BayNajmat Abu DhabiKhalifa ParkAl TharwaniyahMuroor RoadSamraAl MeriefOrchidZone 20Al MuneeraYasminaSidraAl Gurm ResortMangrove VillageZone 4Royal Marina VillasZone 8Al Qurm GardensSaadiyat BeachAl Khaleej VillageManazel Al Reef 2Yas AcresZone 2GardeniaAl Khaleej Al Arabi StreetQattouf CommunityAl Bateen AirportHemaim CommunityMushrif GardensAl Reef VillasHIDD Al SaadiyatZone 7Al ZeinaMohammed Bin Zayed CentreWest YasBloom GardensZone 7Abu Dhabi Gate CityHadbat Al ZaafranMadinat ZayedThe MarinaAl MinaZayed Sports CityCorniche AreaAl SamhaAl Maqtaa Abu DhabiAl QurmEastern RoadAl ManaseerAl GurmDiplomatic AreaAl ZahraaDefence Road Abu DhabiSas Al Nakhl VillageRAWDHAT ABU DHABIAl WahdahAl BahiaAl Zaab Abu DhabiAl Maryah IslandMarina VillageAl Raha GardensAl ShamkhaBAIN AL JESSRAINCapital CentreDanet Abu DhabiAl Falah StreetBaniyasAl AmanAl Nasr StreetLiwa StreetHydra VillageAl KaramahAl GhadeerTourist Club AreaAl MushrifMussafahAl Salam StreetAl Forsan VillageSheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Street Abu DhabiAl Raha Golf GardensCorniche RoadAl MarkaziyaAl Najda StreetMasdar CityAl BateenElectra StreetAirport StreetAl MuroorAl NahyanHamdan StreetShakhbout CityYas IslandAl Reem IslandKhalifa City AAl KhalidiyaAl ReefMohammed Bin Zayed CityAl Raha Beach